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5th Small Talk "Youtube"

Hello , this is Kamiya's Nakano-hoto.

Recently, my potbelly has been getting bigger, and it concerns me.... I do know the reason why,  it is due to not having enough work out, and eating more than what I'm supposed to. My family said that I have a very low fuel efficiency. 


Let's go back to our title for this time, "Youtube", it is not that I will be conducting 30 days losing weight challenge.

Some people may know that we have a youtube channel, our earliest video post is posted 4 years ago.  

This「KAMIYA ART」channel is recently updated.


This new video series title "Go Raku". 

Go means “I”, Raku means “enjoy”. So goraku is simply “I enjoy.”

Under this COVID-19 guarantee situation, it seems like fitness equipment, sawing tools, cooking utensils, and even trampolin are increasing the sales. Everybody is looking for ways to have fun at home.  So, we want to introduce our ways of having fun at home.

「Go Raku」First series is about writing the title "Go Raku", with Fude (brush), and Sumi-ink.  When we say writing letters with fude-brush and sumi-ink, it makes us imagine Calligraphy, and Penmanship, so naturally think "it has to follow some manners, and has to be beautiful...." But it does not have to be, just try writing, using the fude-brush, my own written letters seem to have a nice taste, you may like what comes out, who knows...


It's a bit little early, but I'm thinking to write next year's New Years greeting card with Fude-brush.

Kamiya's Nakano-hito

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