3rd Small Talk "Special drawings on the wood box"

3rd Small Talk "Special drawings on the wood box"

Hello, this is Nakano-hiro from Kamiya.

Today, We have received the wooden boxes that we have asked Tsujimura-san to sign on. 


Usually, we ask Tsujimura-san to come by to our gallery when he is in Tokyo, and ask him to sign on the boxes, however, in this COVID-19 situation, we have sent the boxes to Nara, and asked him to sign on.

This time was the order for our very good collector who lives abroad. Tsujimura-san offered to do something special, because this client has been supporting us in this situation. So Tsujimura-san decided to draw on the back of the wooden lid of the boxes. These are very special.  Normally it has the name of the piece and Shiro-san's name with stamp.

The top picture looks like it's a self portrait. Nakano-hito,I, have seen Tsujimura-san's self portrait for the first time. It may go without saying, but the main characteristics of himself is shown, and very interesting. 


He has drawn images for the other boxes as well... 


When we send pieces to our good collector, we always receive the fantastic feedback letter,  and we believe he/she may be kind enough to write us something when he/she  receive these pieces, even before the pieces leaving us, we are already looking for to see how these pieces make our good collector feel wonderful. 

This was our Monday at Kami ya

Nakano-hito by Kamiya 

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