20-21 Winter Collection Start

20-21 Winter Collection Start

We are happy to announce our 20-21 online winter collection has started. It has to be started before, but we could finally launch the web. Normally our seasonal collection is 3 months, but this winter collection is for only 2 months.

One of the highlight of the collection is Shino Champagne Cups. Since the end of 2019, Tsujimura has been working on Shino pieces. He tasted literally hundreds of times to test clays, glazes and fires. Some of you are familiar with his "wine cups", but this "Champagne" is larger and almost like a trip tea bowls. We believe that this will be his permanent series. Hope you will grab one, and enjoy the experience with Champagne. 

We covered, sake cups, bottles, teabowls, plates, flower vases, and table wares. Hope you can find one you like!

Please enjoy our winter collection!

Kami Ya



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